The nettles you pick in your garden can be used to make a biological spray and fertiliser in one. This will give your beds their strength back after the winter.
Category: Instructions and Recipes
Resources for your experimentation with plant extracts as part of aromatherapy. Don’t be afraid to enter into the secrets of using essential oils in various aspects of your life.
Nettle for Gourmets
Who hasn’t been stung by nettles? You might not have thought that it would find a place in our kitchens when preparing tasty spring dishes.
Herbalist: Oregano (Origanum vulgare) and its Use
Oregano is mainly used in the kitchen. It finds a use where you would use marjoram.
Bad Breath and its Elimination by Natural Means
Natural remedies are also used for problems with inflammation in the mouth and throat, which are accompanied, among other things, by unpleasant bad breath.
Bath Salt with Cedar Scent
If you’re looking for a way to relax after a busy day, you can try making bath salts with cedarwood essential oils.
Room Sprays
Essential oils are natural and can therefore be used without fear to improve the room environment and freshen the air.
Treatment of Health Problems
Essential oils can be used for the treatment of trivial as well as more serious diseases and injuries. They can also serve as complementary treatment.
Aromatherapy Baths
Aromatherapy baths are an easy way to relax with the use of essential oils. They can relax both the body and mind.
Massage with Aromatherapy
Massage is a common form of treatment because it provides a combination of touch therapy and aromatherapy at the same time..